Dashboard description:
The purpose of this dashboard is to compare the proportionate impact of COVID-19 related outcomes on certain racial-ethnic and language fluency groups as compared to their proportion in the UCSF Health patient population. This dashboard is reviewed on a weekly basis to identify if there are opportunities to change clinical and operational practices to better ensure equity of access and related outcomes.
- Data shown is post-March 12th, when testing no longer required international travel
- UCSF adult patient population is defined as patients that are cared for in UCSF Health's primary care clinics and/or have been hospitalized at UCSF Health in 2019
- COVID-19 tested and tested positive cases are limited to tests that were ordered at UCSF Health and represent both symptomatic and asymptomatic testing
- COVID-19 hospitalized cases include all confirmred cases hospitalized at UCSF Health, regardless of testing location
- All measures are at the patient-level (i.e., only counted once if experience an outcome multiple times)
- Analysis does not display dispositions such as ICU, ventilation, discharge, or death due to very low numbers
- UCSF Health acknowledges that equity-related predictor variables, such as race-ethnicity and language, may be limiting as they may not accurately represent all individuals self-defined identitiy, do not represent all forms of identity, may have inaccuracies in data capture, and patients may have fear in disclosing this information
- Evaluating COVID-19 through the lens of race-ethnicity is not meant to suggest a biological difference in susceptibility to COVID-19, but rather is meant as a proxy for the experience of systemic racism and social and economic inequities
This dashboard is owned by the Health Equity Council.
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