This dashboard displays MyChart Activation status by ambulatory clinical encounter.
Use the metric selector to select '% MyChart Active at Encounter' or '% MyChart Active 2 Weeks after Encounter'. These display the percent of patients and/or patient proxies who had an active MyChart account on the day of their ambulatory encounter or 2 weeks after their ambulatory encounter, respectively.
The Main page of the dashboard shows MyChart activation status broken down by preferred language, age group, race/ethnicity, and payor. Data on the main view are aggregated by month.
The second page, Departmental Analysis, shows MyChart activation status broken down by department. Data on the Departmental Analysis are for the entire time period selected on the date selector in the top right.
Data is included from March 1, 2020 until the date listed in the top right of the dashboard. Data is refreshed weekly on Saturdays at 2AM.
Purpose of the Tool
Key Definitions and Details
MyChart Healthcare Equity Meetings
Business Owners